Natural Shower Spray

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It’s been almost two years since I started making most, if not all, of my household cleaning supplies. For all purpose cleaner, I mix equal parts vinegar and water; for cleaning carpets and rugs, I deodorize with baking soda and dried herbs; I polish wood with homemade wood butter; clean my windows with a solution of vinegar, water, and corn starch; and wash my floors with warm water and castile soap. Occasionally, I’ll whip up something a little more specific, like this shower spray that you can use to keep soap scum at bay. It’s not fancy, really, but the added essential oils do wonders at keeping the shower sparkling between deep cleanings. If mildew is a concern, I’ve also included a simple + quick recipe for removing it.


1 cup water

1/2 cup white vinegar

5 drops lemon essential oil

5 drops tea tree essential oil


Combine ingredients in a 12 ounce spray bottle and use daily to prevent soap scum build-up.


If I need to do a heavy-duty clean, say to clean mildew or serious soap scum build up, I scrub with Bon Ami and/or use this simple spray.


one cup water

1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide

10 drops tea tree essential oil


Combine ingredients in a 12 ounce spray bottle, spray on shower tiles, let sit for one hour, and rinse clean.

Julia Watkins3 Comments