Natural Stain Remover


I can’t tell you how many times a month someone writes to tell me how much they love the stain remover recipes in Simply Living Well. There are a few different recipes in the Natural Cleaning chapter, but If you need a simple one, I used this one to clean a table cloth I was sure we ruined during dinner last night and it worked like a charm. Because hydrogren peroxide is an oxygen bleach it’s generally safe to use on colored clothing, but to be safe, I like to spot test it on small section of a colored item before going to town on a stain. To spot test it, just dip a cotton swab into the stain remover, then dab it onto a corner of your clothing. If the color transfers onto the cotton swab, i would not use the stain remover on that particular article of clothing. Otherwise it should be fine to use. Enjoy!


1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide

2 tbsp liquid castle soap

20 drops lemon essential oils


Combine the following ingredients in a glass bottle (amber bottles work best to prevent the hydrogen peroxide from oxidizing). Mix well, spray on fabrics to pretreat stains, and allow to set for an hour before adding fabrics to the wash.

Julia Watkins