Simple Body Butter


Come winter, when my hands and heels feel dry and chapped, I like to make this simple body butter. Unlike lotions or creams, which container water, body butters nourish and protect the skin by sealing in moisture and creating a barrier between the skin and the elements. This makes body butters especially suited to super-dry skin that needs protection from cold air and low humidity. I like to put this on my hands and the heels of my feet right before bedtime, when I know it will have several hours to soothe and heal my (very dry, wintry) skin. Advance warning: it’s greasy since it’s made from fats, which is something that would bother me during the day when I’m working with my hands, but at bedtime it feels therapeutic and restorative. If you slip on a pair of socks, you’ll wake up with baby soft feet


2 1/2 ounces shea butter

2 1/2 ounces cocoa butter

2 1/2 ounces jojoba or sweet almond oil

2 1/2 ounces coconut oil

2 tsp arrowroot powder (0ptional, makes less greasy)

10 drops essential oils (optional)


  1. Place the first four ingredients in a double boiler and melt over low to medium heat.

  2. Pour the mixture into a small bowl and set it in the refrigerator for a few hours to solidify.

  3. Transfer the solid mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer (or use a hand mixer). Add the arrowroot powder and beat on high speed until it has the consistency of a creamy, fluffy butter. Add the essential oils and mix for 30 seconds.

  4. Refrigerate the body butter for 10-15 minutes, then spoon it into glass jars with an airtight lid.

Note: Your body butter may liquefy if the temperature in your house is warm. To prevent this from happening, you can store it in the refrigerator.

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