Beeswax scrap birthday candles


I don’t remember what year it was, or which child’s birthday we were celebrating – all I remember is that this simple, scrappy, sustainable idea came to me in pinch. We were throwing a small birthday party at home and, although I’d remembered to make the cake, I’d forgotten to buy the candles. Fortunately, I’d been rolling large beeswax candles like these for years and remembered I’d saved loads of scraps in hopes of repurposing them someday. Suddenly it occurred to me that I could follow the same method I’d used to make large beeswax candles to make small ones. I quickly ran to the art room, collected a handful of beeswax scraps, and set to work. In just a few minutes, I had a dozen cake top candles that looked cuter than what I normally buy at the store. Sure enough, I make these every year now (I even make ones for Hanukkah candles). Enjoy!


beeswax sheet scraps, cut 3” x 1 1/2” (3 1/2 x 1 1/2 for Hanukkah candles)

ruler and scissors

cotton wick (3 1/2” long)


Lay the first beeswax rectangle flat on a table in front of you.  Place the wick along the long 3” edge of beeswax closest to you. Fold the wax over the wick and start rolling away from you. Continue to roll the beeswax firmly and evenly until you reach the other edge. When you get to the other edge, gently burnish the edge into the candle by pressing the wax into the side of the candle. Trim the wick on both sides of the candle, leaving 1/4 “ excess on top. Press the bottom wick into the base of the candle. Repeat the process until you have however many candles you need for your cake.  



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